
Emel Şahinci


Executive English Coaching

Akademik Eğitim



 02/2022 -  Executive English Coaching / Istanbul - Business English Coach, Trainer Coordinator & Content Coordinator

  • Oversee onboarding and continuous coordination with EEC trainers.

  • Develop content for specialized business communication purposes.

  • Deliver training on topics such as email writing, business English for meetings, and English for presentations.

  • Design personalized learning roadmaps and provide global communication training for senior executives at multinational companies in Istanbul.

  • Create customized workshops on professional communication skills (e.g., negotiation and persuasion, business correspondence, and presentation skills) for corporate teams across various industries.

05/2016 -  Freelance / Istanbul - Translation and localisation, CELTA Certified Business English Instructor

  • Freelance Business English instructor with clients in various companies and positions. Currently working with Executive English Coaching (

  • Translation and editing of papers for graduate students and academic personnel.

  • Freelance Business English instructor with clients in various companies and positions.

03/2009 – 06/2012 Company Founder, Freelance Consultant & CELTA Certified English Instructor / Istanbul

  • Set up Loyalty Services Limited Company; however, the company was disbanded within a year.

  • Project based CRM & Loyalty consulting and training for CRM Institute Turkey

  • Private conversational and business English lessons

01/2007- 02/2009   Vodafone Turkey, Istanbul - Customer Value Management - Loyalty Manager

01/2003 – 01/2007  Turkcell, Istanbul - Strategic Planning, Marketing Insights & Reporting

10/2000 – 12/2002 Koçfinans, Istanbul Systems and Strategic Planning Senior Specialist

10/1998 - 06/2000 CSC Computer Sciences Corporation, UK - European Business Development, Management Trainee     


  • 2009 CELTA (Certificate of English Language Teaching to Adults - a Teacher Development programme covering both the theoretical and practical aspects of teaching English. It is an internationally recognised qualification with no expiry.)  

  • 1997-1998       Master of Business Studies, Canterbury Business School, University of Kent, UK

  • 1995-1997       BSc. Management & Systems Science, City University, London, UK

  • 1992-1995       Business Administration, Marmara University, Istanbul (not completed)

  • 1986-1992       Üskudar American Academy, Istanbul

Şimdiki Görevi

Şubat 2022'den bu yana Executive English Coaching bünyesinde Business English Koçu, Eğitmen ve İçerik Koordinatörü olarak görev almaktayım. EEC eğitmenlerinin işe alım sürecini yönetmek ve sürekli iş birliğini sağlama;. İş iletişimi eğitimi için özel içerikler geliştirmek;  "İngilizcec E-posta Yazımı", "Toplantılar için İş İngilizcesi" ve "Sunum Becerileri için İnglizce" gibi konularda eğitimler vermek; Kişiselleştirilmiş öğrenme yol haritaları tasarlamak ve İstanbul'daki çok uluslu şirketlerin üst düzey yöneticilerine küresel iletişim eğitimi sunmak; Farklı sektörlerdeki kurumsal ekipler için profesyonel iletişim becerilerine yönelik (örneğin, müzakere ve ikna, iş yazışmaları ve sunum becerileri) özel atölye çalışmaları oluşturmak gibi çalışmalarda yer almaktayım.